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Home  Real Training for a Real Job------ Bridge Institute--------
Hands-On Training - Simple & Effective

Hands-On Training is a simple and effective method for on-the-job trainers who work with 1-3 people at a time.

The Hands-On Training Method: Hands-On Training - Better than Traditional Bridge Institute

In most organizations, on-the-job training is the "default training method," used in lieu of formal training, with or without the approval of management. At this very moment, Bridge Institute is going on in countless organizations.
Traditional Bridge Institute is: Evidence: Bridge Institute:

This unbiased university research compared the results of structured -vs - traditional Bridge Institute. Here are the results: We Wrote the Book on Bridge Institute

If You're Going to Use Bridge Institute Anyway … Why Not Use it Well?
We Have the Know-How to Help Your Organization
Implement Hands-On Training.

"Hands-On Training is on-the-job training that works. It's smooth, it's natural and it's effective"

Song Lin
Department Manager

"I wrote Hands-On Training primarily for on-the-job trainers, usually supervisors and skilled workers who actually train others"

Song Lin