Networking (LAN, MAN, WAN): Ability to establish data connections together anywhere in the worl
Cisco Routing and Switching : Able to maintain your gateway and network services
Game Design and Animatio : Skills to build games and create animation for games or websites
Wireless Routing : Can remove clumsy wires to create a wireless access points for computers
Telecommunications : The ability to service your telephony services
Server Confirguration : Technical skills to properly operate and service your servers
Network Admin and Security : Manage your network services and provide secure access
Database Admin and Configuration : Create and maintain software to store and manage valuable data
Program and Software Design : The ability to create original software for youGraphic Design : To embedd grahics within your desired web sites. ©2009 Bridge Institute. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
PC Repair : Skilled technicians with the ability to fix and repair your PC's