Bridge Institute Your Way To Success

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Autocad 2013
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Information Technologies Specialist Diploma

Semester 1

Class Creadit Hour Contract Hours
TEC102 Understanding Computer Design 3 60
TEC104 Introduction to Operating Systems 3 60
LAS106 Communication and Learn Skill* 3 60
ICT286 HTML and Web Design 3 60
Total 13 240

Semester 2

Class Creadit Hour Contract Hours
TEC231 PC Hardware A+ Core 3 60
TEC232 Advanced Operating Systems 3 60
TEC227 Introducation to Telecommucation 3 60
ICT136 Programming Fundamentals with VB.Net 3 60
Total 13 240

Semester 3

Class Creadit Hour Contract Hours
TEC286 Server Administration 2 45
TEC228 Network Adminustration 2 45
TEC240 Computer User Support 2 30
LAS050Career Development 1 20
ICT299 Externship 3 135
Total 12 350

Computer Information System Technology Associate of Science Degree

Semester 1

Class Creadit Hour Contract Hours
TEC102 Understanding Computer Design 3 60
TEC104 Introduction to Operating Systems 3 60
LAS106 Communication and Learn Skill* 3 60
ICT286 HTML and Web Design 3 60
Total 13 240

Semester 2

Class Creadit Hour Contract Hours
TEC231 PC Hardware A+ Core 3 60
TEC232 Advanced Operating Systems 3 60
TEC227 Introducation to Telecommucation 3 60
ICT136 Programming Fundamentals with VB.Net 3 60
Total 13 240

Semester 3

Class Creadit Hour Contract Hours
TEC286 Server Administration 2 45
TEC228 Network Adminustration 2 45
TEC240 Computer User Support 2 30
AOT300 Professional Web Graphic 3 60
Total 12 240

Semester 4

Class Creadit Hour Contract Hours
College Composition 3 45
Mat120 College Algebra 3 45
ICT230 Advanced Internet System Mangement 3 60
ICT222 SQL Server 3 60
Total 12 210

Semester 5

Class Creadit Hour Contract Hours
SOC110 Principles of Sociology 3 45
PHY190 Physics 4 75
ICT250 Windows 7 Professional 3 60
TEC270 Windows 2012 Server 3 60
Total 12 210

Semester 6

Class Creadit Hour Contract Hours
LAS200 Oral Presentation and commucation 3 45
SOC100 Principles of psychology 3 45
TEC290 Managing a Microsoft 2012 Network 2 45
LAS050Career Development 1 20
ICT299 Externship 3 135
Totalp 12 290